The International Doctoral Programmes are funded by the “Support for Internationalisation of Higher Education” fund under the Priority Axis 6 of the Operational Programme “Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning”, which is co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF).
The University of Ioannina is an intensive research Higher Educational Institution and acquired funding for six International Doctoral Programmes: 1) Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 2) Caring Studies, 3) Chemistry and Technologies for Pollution Control and Environmental Protection‐CTePCEP, 4) Neurosurgery novel advancements, 5) ICT in Education: Applications in Natural, Social and Health Sciences, and 6) Computer Sciences and Telecommunications (Industrial PhD)
The International Doctoral Programmes contribute to the outward-looking nature of the University of Ioannina and higher education in Greece and contribute to the sustainable development of educational and economic activities at international, national and local levels. Furthermore, by developing strategic alliances and expanding the international academic and research collaborations of the University of Ioannina, the International Doctoral Programmes ensure a better quality of studies, the global competitiveness of the studies provided and recognition of Greece as an emergent international centre of education in South-Eastern Europe.
Biological Inorganic Chemistry
Chemistry and Technologies for Pollution Control and
Environmental Protection‐CTePCEP
Neurosurgery Novel Advancements
ICT in Education: Applications in Natural, Social and Health Sciences
Caring Studies
Computer Sciences and Telecommunications
University of Ioannina
Ioannina Campus
Post office 1186
Post Code 45110 Ioannina
Phone: 26510-07777